The A – B – C’s of Search Rankings

To quote the now infamous line I believe James Carville coined back in 1992, “It’s the links, stupid”, OK he may have said something else, but when it comes to SEO, it’s the links, but what you do with your site plays an important role in how you acquire links. Our own SEO_Audit goes through the A – B – C’s of Search Rankings, let’s walk through that and how links relate to each section.

First SEO fundamental is based on website code, your meta tags need to be consistent with the web page, include relevant keywords, and give a professional description based on what the website is about. All quality sites attract good natural links, the relevance and consistency of your meta tags makes it easier for other sites to find you, and link to the best page in your site based on your tags. Good meta tags also make it easier for SEO’s and quality link brokers to link to your site. Good meta tags are also a must for Google to index your website properly.

Next is content, and content is still king. Content equals value and the more value you provide on your web site, the more popular your website will become and the more links you will naturally attract. The goal is to get the highest rankings possible for each website and client we work for; the better your website is the higher it is going to rank because of the links. All the links do not have to come from your link broker. The longevity and sustainability of the website will suffer if all your links come from link brokers. So “B” represents content, great content equals great links.

Finally your website needs links. But just like your body needs vitamins to supplement your existing diet, your website needs links to supplement its own balance diet of great content and good meta tags. Links are the primary factor in Search Rankings, but why depend on your link broker to acquire all of your links? Use your clients, industry, trade, colleagues, and any other relevant site to add links to your website. Continue to add value to your website, and your Search Rankings will follow.